This feature is available to all users but Activist can only see the notes they've created while Organizers, Leads and Admins can see all notes in the system
Under the Notes tab in an individual's profile, you can view, search, and add new notes.
View Notes
You can view an individual's notes by scrolling down on the page. Notes are organized in order from newest to oldest. Headers of the note list the date created, with the body of the note giving the information contained in the note. The footer of the note gives information on when the note was created. On the right side of the note, there are three dots that you can select to edit or remove the note if needed.
Notes can be viewed by the user who creates them, as well as by any organizer, lead, or admin in the campaign.
Searching Notes
Using the search bar in the middle of screen you can search notes. The search field looks for any information within the note and returns matching notes. You cannot search by information not within the note (ie. date created, note created by, etc.).
Add New Notes
Use the + or Add Note button to create a new note.
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