Info Overview
Information (or Info) lets you store or gather essential details and structure your data so it makes the most sense for your organizers and activists. Info is the most common way that Action Builder tracks information collected on individuals. Info can be customized to each campaign, added or hidden by the campaign admin, and responses can even be added in the field (if enabled).
Info Types
Info is categorized by sections, fields, and responses:
Sections provide a way to organize similar fields and data under one heading.
Fields are the specific questions you need answers to. Each field you create will have a specific ‘type’, enabling you to determine the kind of information you expect to gather. Those types include:
- Standard: for general questions with a defined set of responses
- Number: for questions that require a numerical response
- Date: for questions that require an exact date response
- Address: for questions that require a response that can be mapped to a real location
- Note: for open-ended questions with unrestricted responses
- Shift: for questions that require a “shift” or weekly schedule as a response
Fields can also be ‘Locked’ so that available responses can only be created by admins; they can be set as “read only” so that only admins can edit responses for that field (organizers and activists can still see the responses, however); and you can choose to make a field limited to a single response per person or entity.
Responses are the answers that are available for each field.
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