This feature is only available to Admins.
All users can create new Info, as long as Fields are unlocked by the admin. If the Fields are locked, only admins and leads can create new info.
To get started creating Info, navigate to the Field Administration page by clicking on the three dots in the top right and selecting Info.
To first add info, you need to select the entity/connection that you want the info applied to. Info can only be applied to one entity or connection.
As outlined in the Info Administration section, Info is grouped into three levels: Sections, Fields, and Responses. To create Info, you first need to create a Section and a Field. You can use existing Sections or Fields by clicking on the arrows, or you can create new ones with the options on the right. To add a new Response, simply use the field for Create Response, making sure to click Save after each one you want to create.
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